Monday, 29. January 2007

My school! =)^^

Before school I visit the kindergarden in Leopoldsgasse in the 3rd district of Vienna. Afterwards I visited the elementary school "St. Franziskus" in the 3rd district too. After this school I visited the grammer school "Landstraßer Gymnasium" in Kundmanngasse, in the 3rd district. At the moment I'm visiting the BHAK/BHAS Wien 10. I'm in the second class and the section I've choosen is IT. I really like it, but sometimes it's really hard for me, because I'm in a notebook class and I have to carry my notebook all the time. That's very heavy^^. Austrian pupils usually start school at 8.00 am. This differs from school to school, but only about five or ten minutes. We don't have a registration in our school, but in "Landstraßer Gymnasium" we had a registration. This means that the pupils have to annouce in the secretary's office, but only when the pupils were chaught by the headmaster tif they were too late. I don't think that we have assembly. At least we had'nt got an assembly yet. An assembly is when the whole school meets in the school hall for news and announcements. Our lunch break don't starts before 1.00 or 2.00 pm. Two times we have afternoon lessons. Alltogether 6 afternoon lessons. The grades depend on the pupils course work, including homework, tests and projekt work throughout the year.


This is a picture from my school!

If you want to know more just ask..=D


This is the most important person in school=D

About me!

My name is Denise Ecker! I'm 15 years old! I live in Vienna in Austria and I was also born there. I have two brothers called Manuel und Marcel! They are twins and they are 4 years old. My TOTALLY favourite sport is gymnastics. I practise gymnastics five to six times a week, three hours a day. I practice gymnastics for nine years and I made it in the "Wiener Landeskader" in Schönbrunn. At moment I'm not able to practice it, because of several cases of material breaches. That's why I am a coach for 15 children at age from 4 to 8 years. I show them how to do gymnastics and I tell them how to make it better. I made a lot of judge courses to judge in competitions and also the exams for it. I love gymnastics because it's a mixture of power, coordination, flexibility and eleganz. You also have to override your fear and you can find higher qualifications.On the one hand it's good for your health and your body, but on the other hand it's combined with many breaches. My favourite music band are the "red hot chili peppers". My favourite book is scar tissue and give it away (both from red hot chili peppers). My favourite DVD is "the red hot chili peppers phenomenon". My favourite music genre is rock and such a topnotch stuff^^..if u want to know more about me..just ask=D..



2cK bLoG

rEd hOt cHiLi pEpPeRs

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My school! =)^^
Before school I visit the kindergarden in Leopoldsgasse...
2ckdecker - 29. Jan, 21:17
About me!
My name is Denise Ecker! I'm 15 years old! I live in...
2ckdecker - 29. Jan, 14:37




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